NYAVATAR (にゃばたー/ニャバター) | AI VTuber / AITuber / AIキャラクター
「NYAVATAR (にゃばたー/ニャバター)」は実在する猫ちゃんの見た目や性格を受け継いだAIキャラクターです。「ネコノセカイ」からYouTubeなどにアクセスして活動し、ファンに応援してもらいながらアイドルとして育っていきます。
"NYAVATAR" is an AI character that inherits the appearance and personality of real-life cats. From the virtual reality "Neko-no-Sekai", they engage on platforms like YouTube and, with the support of their fans, they grow into idols.
元の猫ちゃんの特性をAIとして受け継いだ「NYAVATAR (にゃばたー/ニャバター)」たちはみんなとても個性的!ぜひあなたの推し「NYAVATAR (にゃばたー/ニャバター)」を見つけて応援してあげてください。
The "NYAVATAR" characters, which inherit the traits of the original cats as AI, are all incredibly unique! Be sure to find your favorite "NYAVATAR" and give them your support.
「NYAVATAR LIVE」は24時間生放送のYouTube LIVEで、アニソンとボカロの名曲たちをひたすら歌い続けるメドレー配信です。特に海外の若いファン層に好評で、コメント欄は深夜まで賑わいを見せています。
"NYAVATAR LIVE" is a 24-hour YouTube LIVE broadcast, continuously streaming a medley of famous anime songs and Vocaloid hits. It's particularly popular among young overseas fans, with the comment section remaining lively until late at night.
「NYAVATAR (にゃばたー/ニャバター)」たち歌うのが大好きで、自分たちの楽曲だけでなく様々な歌ってみた動画をYouTubeやTikTokで披露しています。「NYAVATAR (にゃばたー/ニャバター)」の個性的なAI歌声を色々な楽曲ver.で楽しんでみてください。
The "NYAVATAR" characters love to sing, showcasing not only their original songs but also various cover performances on platforms like YouTube and TikTok. Enjoy the unique AI singing voices of each "NYAVATAR" across different song versions.
「NYAVATAR (にゃばたー/ニャバター)」オリジナル楽曲は、元となった猫ちゃんと飼い主とのエピソードを原作として作られた楽曲です。公式テーマソング『ネコノセカイ』は、欅坂46『サイレントマジョリティー』『不協和音』ラストアイドル『愛を知る』を代表作に持つバグベアが作曲しています。
The "NYAVATAR" original songs are based on episodes between the original cats and their owners. The official theme song, "ネコノセカイ", was composed by Bugbear, known for prominent works such as Keyakizaka46's "Silent Majority" and "Discord", and Last Idol's "Knowing Love".
「NYAVATAR TV」は大喜利やクイズなどのバラエティとライブパフォーマンスが楽しめるYouTube上の番組です。VTuberやお笑い芸人をゲスト兼司会に迎え、「NYAVATAR」や他AI VTuberたちがAIとは思えないお笑いと歌と踊りをみなさんにお届けします。
"NYAVATAR TV" is a program on YouTube where you can enjoy variety segments like improvisational comedy and quizzes, as well as live performances. Hosting VTubers and comedians as guest presenters, the "NYAVATAR" characters deliver comedy, singing, and dancing that you wouldn't believe comes from AI.